A great storage provide which I use already a long time. Recently they started focusing more on the storage of photos for example automatic storing of photos from your mobile in your dropbox folder. If you are not a dropbox user yet, use this url to get 500Mb extra (also for me so thanks!).Flickr
One of the best known photo storage providers so it seemed obvious to include this one first.I included these new sources in the premium app. If you are a user of the ad-supported app, you will have to install another app which includes these new sources but not network drives or UPnP. Both apps do include the possibility to do a slideshow of local photos.
Let me know what you think, what is missing or what other providers I should include!
ReplyDeleteI found a bug, if my tablet is disconnected from WiFi, the application doesn't work. When I click on the icon the screen flickers and i'm back on the launcher.
And previously created shortcuts reports "Application has stopped working.
Br M
Thank you for reaching out to me in this way.
ReplyDeleteI tested with the premium version, all network sources did not work but didn't crash the app, local folders did still work.
Any more information about settings or the version you used?
Can you send the crash report? Maybe with a small comment. With the report I should be able to fix it.
Any chance for a Google TV version? Also any way to filter files? Notice that when I check multiple directories on my NAS, it's including the raw photos from my Sony A55, which either the program can't display, or their too large to show in the slide display time. If I go into a directory, only the jpg file show up (not the raw).
ReplyDeleteI don't have a specific google tv version yet. However most actions don't need swiping so it should be possible to control it with a remote. Did you already try it? Did you have any problems?
ReplyDeleteI also make a complete solution (hardware + software) which can handle more and is optimized to be used with a remote. There is a version with a screen (like a photo frame) or one which needs to be connected to a screen. See http://i-frame.net
Indeed the app can't display RAW photos. I consider not filtering them out a bug and will fix it in a next version. Thank you for pointing that out.
Yep...Sideloaded the app to my Sony NSZ-GS7. All seems to work except swipe (tried using the touchpad on the remote with no luck) and when I attempted to create a shortcut to save my multiple folders NAS slideshow I mentioned above, the saved shortcut was supposedly saved to the "all apps" screen, but I couldn't find it. Then after a while everytime I tried to get to "all apps" the process crashed.
ReplyDeleteAs I said above, the app is filtering what files it shows you when you enter a directory, but when you checkmark an entire directory, the app doesn't filter them (or other non-jpg images in the directory) out.
Other than that, nice app. I'll check out you other app too. Look forward to the next release.
So it is usable since the swipe is only used to change layout and transition during the slideshow. It can also be changed in the menu before the slideshow starts.
ReplyDeleteI'll add a key listener to open the sliding menu with the menu button or with the info button.
I fixed the filtering already but since it is a small bug, I won't release it soon. Updating too much is annoying to users.